Sunday 28 February 2010

Welcome Baby Isla

One of our friends recently gave birth to a lovely little 6lber called Isla, she has been inundated with toys, clothes and other lovely things for her and so I decided to have a go at making something for her. Inspired by the wonderful bunting over at Attic24 I decided to have a go at knocking up my own pattern.
It went quite well, took me a while to get the shape of triangle that I was after but once I'd sorted that I knocked them out quite quickly.

I decided on a flower to cover the doubled up chain which creates a hook for the bunting to be hung off.

I've never blocked anything before so it was a new experience to hold a steaming iron over my beloved creation! I'd spent days, tears and cramp making this, I was a little sceptical to say the least!! But finally it's done - wrapped up and I'm quite pleased with it.

Going for broke I also decided to make a little card for her. I had the idea of a cloth nappy so I crocheted a triangle and folded it up, the way I did oh so many times with my boys only it was too bulky and it didn't work so I ended up creating a custom nappy to fold.

It worked quite well in the end.... I think.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore this bunting! It's fantastic and so cute! You are very clever! :)
